Principal investigators:
- Mirko Cinchetti
- Davide Bossini (Universität Konstanz)
- Alexandra Kalashnikova (Ioffe Institute)
Associated: Valery Davydov and Nikolay Khokhlov (Ioffe Institute)
The goal of Project B9 is the ultrafast manipulation of the magnetic order in 2D few-layers-thin AF semiconductors. First, we will characterize them extensively, analyzing the structural, magnetic and electronic properties of the ground state by means of a wide variety of spectroscopic approaches (Raman, optical, magneto-optical, photoemission, photoemission spectro-microscopy) utilized as a function of several experimental parameters (magnetic and electric field, temperature). Then, we will employ the knowledge developed in the characterization phase to optically manipulate spin on the ultrafast timescale. The results of this project will directly address the fundamental question concerning the feasibility of ultrafast control of the magnetic order in low-dimensional magnets.
Team: Fabian Mertens

Image for the project TRR 160.